Chinese translation for "without the slightest error"
- 不差分毫
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | When the work was completed and the two sections were brought together to assemble the building , the two halves joined perfectly , without the slightest error 当年两组人马分头进行暗中较劲,完成后一接合,竟然严丝合缝,没有半点误差。 |
- Similar Words:
- "without the feeling" Chinese translation, "without the least difference" Chinese translation, "without the option of a fine" Chinese translation, "without the or" Chinese translation, "without the question" Chinese translation, "without the slightest hesitation" Chinese translation, "without the usual covering" Chinese translation, "without the usual covering or protection" Chinese translation, "without thinking" Chinese translation, "without thinking one cannot realize" Chinese translation